Bega Valley IRCF Journey

Proudly supported by
Logo for FRRR, the Foundation for Rural Regional Renewal


Hi, I’m Carolyn Ardler, your local community facilitator for Bega Valley. My role is to support Bega Valley not-for-profits (NFPs) to build relationships, connect across the Bega Valley and work together on seeing through the Community Roadmap to successful completion of a shared vision for Bega Valley.

Contact me:

Carolyn Ardler
Bega IRCF Community Facilitator

My work days are Monday to Thursday.

0418 588 537

News & Events

IRCF Timeline

IRCF in Bega Valley

The Investing in Rural Community Futures Program has been expanded into the Bega Valley thanks to an injection of $1.3 million through the Australian Government’s Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Program.

Unlike other IRCF communities, there is no grant program attached to the IRCF program. Rather, NFPs in Bega Valley will be supported and strengthened through a mix of local on-the-ground support with local facilitators, and access to workshops and training opportunities in collaboration with other local community groups.

An important part of the program will be to develop a ‘roadmap’ for the local not-for-profit and community sector, to identify common areas of interest, shared assets and needs for capacity building. Once these needs are identified, the IRCF Community Development Project Officers will develop relevant resources and help facilitate training and other support to help NFP’s to maximise the impact of their work. They will also provide support in accessing other grant funding for the various groups that get involved.

The program will also deliver leadership training into the community, thanks to a partnership with the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation.

In Bega Valley, the program is building on work done as part of a 12 month Investing in NFP Capacity program delivered by FRRR through funding from the Paul Ramsay Foundation.

Community Roadmap

2024 Bega Valley Community Roadmap

June 2023 Bega Valley Community Roadmap

March 2023 Bega Valley Community Roadmap

a group of three people and the word people

Developing leadership capabilities, a renewed sense of community spirit and fostering skill development to create strong organisations that bring together various leaders, groups and residents.

  1. Provide opportunities for mentoring.
  2. Support and coordinate projects.
  3. Coordinated support.
  4. Stronger base of volunteers.
  5. Improved skills and knowledge.

Fostering relationships and practices that support efficient and effective collaboration with other not-for-profits to enhance community impact.

  1. Shared resources.
  2. Increase meaningful collaboration and cross-organisational communication.

an image of cogs turning and the word systems

Supporting community leaders to input new insights and energy to effort by providing lessons, systems and structures that demonstrates best practice.

  1. Strengthen capability for sharing resources.
icon of a lighthouse and the word strategy

Providing tools and measures that support and enable the sustainability of organisations well into the future.

  1. More capacity to leverage funding opportunities.


Click on the arrows on either side of the page to move back and forth through the activities

  • Community Roadmap

    Bega Valley IRCF Roadmapping June 2023

    Tuesday 20 June 2023 16 participants representing a diverse range of not-for-profits across the Bega Valley came together to network; share their collective experience and knowledge and reconnect to the Investing in Rural Community Futures program (IRCF) – with the calling question: ‘How can our collective experience and knowledge strengthen

  • Local Facilitator Engaged

    Bega Valley IRCF Facilitators Appointed

    Two facilitators, Leah Szanto and Bree Morgan, have been appointed as the community facilitators to support the IRCF Program in Bega Valley. Leah joined FRRR in 2023 as the IRCF Community Development Project Officer for the Bega Valley and has held a variety of positions in the media, arts and

  • Regenerate – Australian Rural Leadership Foundation Program

    Marissa, Chani and Carolyn from ARLF, Bega Valley Shire Council and FRRR Respectively. Our recent co-design workshop focused on answering the question How do we harness this opportunity to build on what is already happening?, this day triggered interest around the leadership  training opportunity in the Bega Valley. Marissa from

  • Bega – Resilience, Connection and Place Workshop

    Friday 8 December Eleven amazing community members from the Bega Valley gathered to explore the question “How do we harness this opportunity to build on what is already happening?”This workshop was identified as key preparation ahead IRCF (Investing in Rural Community Futures) plans for 2023. The harvest from this workshop,

  • IRCF Program Launched in Bega Valley

    The IRCF Program has been expanded into the Bega Valley thanks to an injection of $1.3million through the Australian Government's Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Program. IRCF Bega Valley builds on the Investing in Not-for-Profit Capacity program, which FRRR has been running in Bega over the last 18 months. The investment