Shared resources
This page is continuously being updated with resources intended to help you strengthen your organisations capacity and capability.
If there is a resource you would like to see here, get in touch with your community facilitator and let them know.
IRCF Program
The Investing in Rural Community Futures (IRCF) Program is the place based, multi year, capacity building program that is being delivered by FRRR in select communities across NSW.
The Foundation for Rural Regional Renewal is known as FRRR (F-triple-R).
IRCF Strategic Priority Areas
The IRCF program offers support in the four Strategic Priority Areas: People, Systems and Structures, Sector Efficiencies, and Investing in Strategy. These areas outline what the IRCF program can support.
Partnership Grants
Partnership Grants are the annual grants available to NFPs in each IRCF community. Each community has differing levels of support through grant funding assistance over the lifespan of the program.
IRCF Local Facilitator
Through the IRCF program, each community has a dedicated Local Facilitator to provide hands-on assistance to the local not-for-profit sector in accessing IRCF program funding, highlight opportunities for local collaboration and to act as a connector to the capacity building expertise that local not-for-profits require.
Upon the onset of the program, FRRR worked with the communities to develop an IRCF Community Roadmap to articulate goals and priorities for the program. The intent of this process is to continue to work with the communities under a co-design framework, creating the scaffolding for IRCF to operate in each community.
Start-Up Grants
The Start-Up Grants were the first investment of the IRCF program. They were granted to local organisations to prepare the community for the next phase of the IRCF program. Communities were encouraged to work collaboratively to make the most of the funding available to them.
Capacity Building Toolbox
As part of the IRCF program, FRRR, in consultation with communities, has listened and developed a rapid response granting process to support the communities to respond to collaborative opportunities.
These Toolbox Projects are available to previously funded NFP organisations that want to take a lead role in their community to support multiple NFPs to deliver collaborative and collective impact initiatives within the IRCF priority areas.
The guidelines for toolbox projects are available below. To check your eligibility and discuss your Toolbox Project, please contact your local community facilitator.
An overall IRCF Evaluation Framework has been developed to allow for reflection and promote adaptive responses, so as we move through the program, we will adjust to community needs and allow for fresh solutions to local problems.
The evaluation is conducted every six months within Leeton, Junee and Nambucca and annually in the South Coast communities. IRCF funded organisations meet with consultants to reflect on the program. The consultants also hold a community workshop and meet with external stakeholders to measure the impact of the program.
IRCF VFFF Impact Report
As the VFFF-funded pilot for the Investing in Rural Community Futures program draws to a close in Junee, Leeton and Nambucca Valley, we share the key lessons and impacts from the program.
Watch the video below, read the report, or download the PDF here.
These resources are not intended to be a recommendation, but rather a collated list of organisations and resources that have been useful to NFPs on their IRCF journey. If you have a resource you would like added here, send it to your community facilitator.
Institute of Community Directors
NFP Policies and procedures as free download
These policies are free for any not-for-profit organisation to download and use and adapt for your organisation.
Connecting Up
Discount IT products and services
Connecting Up is an Australian registered charity and not-for-profit organisation committed to building stronger communities through technology.
As a registered NFP, you may be able to access discounted IT products and services through Connecting Up.
It is free to sign up.
Canva for non profits
Online Design Program
Canva offers their premium features for free for eligible non profit organisations.
Google for NonProfits
Discounted technology
Through Google for Nonprofits, eligible organisations get access to Google Workspace offers for free or at a discount for the organisation.
The Xfactor Collective Foundation
Service Sector Support
The Xfactor Collective Foundation has a focus on the mental health and wellbeing of social sector professionals and volunteers. This includes promoting the prevention of and reducing the incidence of mental health illness in the social sector.
FRRR Expertise Pool
Access to specialist expertise (curated by FRRR)
The FRRR Expertise Pool offers a range of professional skills, sector expertise, specialist advice and support to enable community organisations to deliver place-based projects – from leadership training and capability building workshops to networking events and small-scale infrastructure initiatives.
Fundraising Directory
Resources and ideas for fundraising
This is a free resource for small NFPs. It is particularly aimed at School P&Cs, containing templates and suppliers.
Justice Connect (NFP Law Program)
Free and affordable legal service for NFPs.
Justice Connect’s NFP Law program is a national legal service offering free and affordable resources, webinars and legal help for not-for-profit organisations. They also have an excellent guide on auspicing and on creating a MOU to work together.
Emergency Services Volunteer Resource Kit
Resources for volunteer recruitment, onboarding and leadership
The resource kit comprises three modules full of evidence-based, interactive and engaging videos, documents and activities that were developed in partnership with emergency service volunteers and their leaders.
NSW Small Business Commissioner
Advocacy for small business
Advice about disputes such as an unpaid invoice or a commercial tenancy issue. They can provide information, guidance and where appropriate, mediation services.
These suppliers have contributed to the development of the IRCF program, and as a program participant you may engage with them.
IRCF Theory of Change
East Melbourne
Marylou Verberne
0402 375 564
Matrix on Board
Program Evaluation
Sally Clifford
08 8985 1728
Natalie Bramble Management
Roadmap Facilitation Support
Natalie Bramble
M: 0409 814 654
P: 02 6884 4654
IRCF Website Development
P: 1300 583 379
SEFA Partnerships
NFP Coaching – Finance and Capacity Building
Hannah Miller
M: 0432 945 637
Campfire Co
South Coast Roadmap Facilitation and Visual Harvesting
Bateman’s Bay
Mel Geitch
M: 0400 412 498
JAW Communications
Communications and Marketing
Carlton North
Julie Weldon
M: 0423 110 802
Newsletters and Communications Writing
Elizabeth Bond
M: 0422 058 578
Mid Term Review
P: 02 6766 5222
Quality Matters
Gwynneville, NSW
Nicole Weber
P: 1300 199 310
These are templates that you might find useful on your IRCF journey.
- Designing for Wiser Action Template
- Open Space Template
- FRRR Financial Acquittal Form
- Auspicing Organisation Template Letter of Support
- Evaluation Plan Development Template
- Program Logic Template
As the VFFF-funded pilot for the Investing in Rural Community Futures program draws to a close in Junee, Leeton and Nambucca Valley, we share the key lessons and impacts from the program.
Watch the video below, read the report, or download the PDF here.