Noticeboard - Workshops

Tackling Hunger in our Communities on the South Coast – Online Workshop

2 November 2023

Tuesday 24 October 2023 Twelve IRCF participants came together from across the South Coast to explore the question "How can we leverage the collective strength and capacity of our organisations...

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IRCF Learning Together – Nambucca Valley

29 March 2023

For NFP’s in regional Australia, human TIME - be it that of staff or volunteers - is their most valuable resource. Today as part of the IRCF program in the Nambucca Valley local NFP’s heard firsthand...

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Nowra NFPs Networking for Success

30 March 2023

In March 2023, new community facilitator Meg Stratti hosted a morning tea for the local NFPs. After listening to the sector over the last few years the need to share ideas and network is always...

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Regenerate – Australian Rural Leadership Foundation Program

30 January 2023

Marissa, Chani and Carolyn from ARLF, Bega Valley Shire Council and FRRR Respectively. Our recent co-design workshop focused on answering the question How do we harness this opportunity to...

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Bega – Resilience, Connection and Place Workshop

8 December 2022

Friday 8 December Eleven amazing community members from the Bega Valley gathered to explore the question “How do we harness this opportunity to build on what is already happening?”This...

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Nowra Fundraising Workshop

24 November 2022

Thursday 24 November 2022 On Thursday 17 people from 14 different organisations came together in Nowra to discuss the question ‘what can we learn together about fundraising for our future’....

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Ulladulla Fundraising Workshop

23 November 2022

Wednesday 23 November 2022 Twenty six community members gathered to explore the question “What can we learn together about fundraising for our future?” This workshop was identified...

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