Shoalhaven Health and Arts Incorporated
SHAA is a volunteer-led and managed organisation formed in 2019 that aims to explore, expand and extend mental health literacy and death literacy through conversations, training and contemporary performance processes. They deliver artist-led community projects in collaboration with other local NFPs, deliver Mental Health First Aid training, and offer fee for service production assistance.
Website and Outreach
Startup Grant Round
Supported with $10,000 to create community awareness of the program of Arts & Health activities being developed for the Nowra community by the newly formed organisation – Shoalhaven Arts & Health Inc through the development of marketing and communications channels designed to reach those with lived experience of recent bushfire trauma and the local services that support them.
Capacity Building for SHAA’s Future
Round 1
Supported with $14,112 to strengthen the capacity of SHAA to respond to community demand for their mental health, arts and events expertise by paying wages for the currently volunteer-based managers, who founded the organisation to enable them to dedicate their time to development of the organisation strategy and operating model.