Page 1 of 18 results.
Expressions of Interest to Participate in IRCF
The Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR) and The Snow Foundation recognise the fundamental roles that not-for-profit (N... -
Batemans Bay announced as an IRCF community
The Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR) and The Snow Foundation announced a $2.5 million, multi-year partnership that ... -
Batemans Bay Startup Grants Announced
Six Batemans Bay not for profit organisations will share in more than $180,000 in start up grants as part of the IRCF program launch ... -
Batemans Bay Coordinator Engaged
Batemans Bay not-for-profits (NFPs) will have greater on-the-ground support following the appointment of a Coordinator to help guide ... -
Community Roadmap Workshop for Batemans Bay
Over two workshops on the 5th and 6th May, more than 30 people (volunteers, board members and team members) from community-based not-... -
Round 1 Partnership Grants for Batemans Bay
Round 1 of the Partnership Grants for Batemans Bay opened 16 July 2021 and closed 27 August 2021. Not-for-profits (NFP’s) in Ba... -
2022 Partnership Grants Open
Eligible not-for-profits in Bateman’s Bay, Bay & Basin, Nowra and Ulladulla are now invited to apply for a partnership gran... -
New South Coast Program Manager Appointed
Helping South Coast NFPs to make the most of the IRCF program is the recently appointed Program Manager, and South Coast local, Carol... -
First Program Evaluation Underway
The South Coast Communities (Batemans Bay, Bay & Basin, Nowra and Ulladulla) are currently undertaking their first evaluation. Oc... -
2022 Roadmap Review
During June 2022, community not-for-profits came together across the South Coast to consider the question, ‘How can we create s...