Nambucca Valley Youth Services
Nambucca Valley Youth Services Inc. is a not-for-profit grass roots organisation supporting and working with youth across the Nambucca Valley. Established in 1999, the Youth Centre is committed to the provision of a centrally located youth friendly facility from which a wide range of youth programs and services are delivered.
Marketing and Business Administration training for staff and volunteers including young people at the Nambucca Valley Youth Services Centre.
Round 1
Supported with $41,990 to upskill staff and volunteers at Nambucca Valley Youth Services Centre through marketing and administration training.
The organisations’ reflections on the impact of their IRCF Partnership grant thus far…

“We’ve employed a young person in office administration.
They’re getting training and work experience, and teaching the volunteers a lot of tech stuff. It’s been a learning curve, but it’s good to have a young person working for us.
We’re in the process of getting a new website. It’s a bit of a work in progress. But we’ve already had a few workshops on content and design and worked out what we need. We’ve been around nearly 20 years and people don’t really know what we do. It’s good to get the funding support to build the site so we can connect with the community.”