Whitton Public School P&C
The volunteer committee of parents, carers and citizens promotes the interest of the school by bringing parents, citizens, students and teaching staff into close co-operation. They also assist in providing facilities and equipment for the school and promoting the recreation and welfare of the students at the school.
Hot Desk for the Whitton Community – Providing Strength from Within Project
Round 1
Supported with $10,207 to foster sustainability and connectedness of local community organisations in Whitton by providing a shared central office space complete with office equipment.
The group reflects on the impact of the project:

“The P&C applied for the grant on behalf of the community and the main benefactory was always going to be the museum where the office is housed.
COVID has presented some challenges, but the space is ready to go and we are on the brink of getting all of the committees to come down and use it.
Instead of doing all the committee work on the kitchen table, the space is open for all of our organisations, including the P&C, Fire Brigade, Hall Committee and Common Committee.
It’s a long-term resource for the organisations and it brings people to the museum making it a more lively place and a hub for our community.”
Whitton Public School P & C, Tracy Catlin.