Western Riverina Arts

Western Riverina Arts works to ‘connect creative communities’ across the regions of Narrandera, Leeton and Griffith. Formed in 2011 as part of 14 regional art boards, Western Riverina Arts is the pre-eminent arts organisation in the Western Riverina.


Leeton Museum Development Officer

Round 2

Supported with $60,000 to fund the Leeton Museum Development Officer. The project will increase the capacity of six museums in the Leeton region by funding the employment of a Museum Development Officer to provide pathways to sustainability.

The organisation reflects on the impact of the project:

“The funding has allowed for further collaboration and communication with the local museums and their volunteers.
The museums have been able to identify more closely problem areas within their functionality.
This funding has helped to reignite interest in the local museums, and to increase their visibility within their respective communities.
The end goal is to create a cultural tourism program that allows visitors in the area to explore all the museums, creating a stable revenue stream for the local museums.
The initial steps of creating a collaborative space between all the museums has begun with networking and planned training events.
Leeton Shire Council provides resources and guidance to aide with this project.
The museums have become aware of the help available through council, and council is also being made aware of the challenges the museums face.”

Western Riverina Arts, Petra Cranshure-Player