Jaanymili Bawrrungga Incorporated

Jaanymili Bawrrungga was founded in 2019. The group aims to be the primary intermediary and advisory body for government and the Bowraville community to enable coordinated program and service delivery.


Jaanymili Bawrrungga Building Blocks

Round 1

Supported with $30,290 to strengthen organisational capacity and sustainability by developing internal systems, leadership and governance structures.

The organisation reflects on the impact of the project:

“We have got on track with our policies and procedures, and within the strategic plan we’ve narrowed down our priorities to be more achievable. We delivered training in cultural awareness and team strengthening to build the capacity of organisations in the Valley.
We engaged a consultant to redevelop a communication strategy. We’ve got better branding and identity which has been helpful when we’re doing acquittal at the end of projects.
Now we’ve won a massive tender. We wouldn’t have been able to do it without the funding to build the capacity and confidence of our organisation.”