Final Evaluation Data Collection Events
During November 2023 FRRR has hosted the final evaluation data collection events in the VFFF communities of Junee, Leeton and Nambucca.
We would like to thank all the community members who took the time to engage in these events, many who have been participating since 2020!
Through conversations with evaluation partners Matrix on Board (Sally Clifford and Nicole Weber), and by observing the community workshops and external stakeholder breakfasts, a consistent impact in all three communities is the increase of more effective partnerships and professional development.
The challenging environments that local NFP’s work within persist; reconciliation in the aftermath of the referendum, political decisions impacting local labour, human welfare and health resourcing needs. Though a consistent message we are hearing in community, is that IRCF has strengthened rural NFP sectors to face these complex challenges as a more sophisticated united front.