Leeton Community Evaluation

November Evaluation Event Highlights
An important part of FRRR’s Investing in Rural Community Futures Program (IRCF) is an evaluation process that has occurred every 6 months since 2020. The focus of this work is to try to capture the impact of the program at a community level and the journey of each funded organisation. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the funded organisations who took part in the process in November and for those who shared their perspectives at the community workshop.
The evaluation process provided many wonderful insights from attendees.
“I feel like there has been a shift. The evaluation has helped us to realise that we are moving forward.”
“People are taking up training opportunities. That is a sign that they want to learn.”
“With each other’s encouragement we can support change.”
Participants reflected that there is consistency of long-term networks and programs, and that leaders and lead organisations are evident in the community, whilst effort is still required to empower marginalised members of the community.
What participants hope to be able to maintain beyond the IRCF programs culmination in 2023.
- improved communications
- sustained focus on NFPS – training, networking, collaboration, and creating efficiencies.
- the Leeton Connect Coordinator role
- the Leeton NFP Roadmap, transition to Leeton Connect Roadmap
- the evaluation processes.
Leeton NFP Roadmap Priorities & Updates
- The development of a Leeton Connect Central Hub in partnership with Leeton Business Chamber.
- Strategic collective fundraising.
- Collaboration to share volunteers and reduce burn out.