27 October 2021
The IRCF program is evaluated every six months in Leeton. Organisations who have been funded through the IRCF program meet with consultants to reflect on the program and measure the impact of funds granted. To...
7 September 2021
The Leeton Community Roadmap aims to identify local not-for-profit needs that align with the IRCF programs Priority Areas and the programs intention to strengthen how not-for profit organisations function and...
31 March 2021
Leeton Connect received a $9,950 grant through Toolbox Funding to deliver a Governance and Grant Writing Workshop with fellow NFPs in Leeton. The workshop aims to increase skills and knowledge of Not-for-Profit...
31 August 2020
Round 2 of the Partnership Grants for Leeton were announced in August 2020. In this round of the partnership grants, four projects in Leeton were successful in their application, sharing in $276,963...
7 August 2020
In the first round of the Partnership Grants for Leeton, four not-for-profits (NFPs) shared in $139,143 of funding. These four organisations and their projects are outlined below. [ninja_tables...
1 May 2020
Hi, I am Claire Williams, your local community facilitator. My role is to support the Leeton Not-For-Profits (NFPs) to build relationships, connect across Leeton and work together on seeing...
31 March 2020
On 31st March 2020, a group of passionate volunteers, board members, leaders and team members from community based not-for-profit (NFP) organisations in Leeton were invited to the community Roadmap Workshop...
1 January 2020
Leeton was announced as a partner community for the IRCF program in January 202, along with Junee and Nambucca Valley, following a successful Expression of Interest from the community. Five communities...
30 August 2019
The Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR) and the Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation (VFFF) recognise the fundamental roles that not-for-profit (NFP) organisations play in building and sustaining...
2 August 2019
As part of the IRCF program launch, Leeton Shire Council has received $60,000 to kickstart Leeton Connect.